5 Tips to Help Your Relationship Survive the Quarantine Period!

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As we enter a new normal with the Covid-19 pandemic, many of us are facing an uncertain future. The one constant in our lives has changed dramatically—our routines and schedules have been thrown out the window. Our personal relationships may be strained or even broken, as people struggle to make ends meet and adjust to new normalcy.

But there is good news: Research shows that happy couples are more likely to have healthy and satisfying sex. So, if you and your significant other need a little “R&R” (reprieve and rejuvenation) to get your engines running again, try one or more of these ideas to help you reconnect and reignite your love:

1. Focus on Each Other’s Strengths

In any healthy, growing relationship, there are always some people who want to draw attention away from others. When this happens, a strong and resilient couple will immediately start to discuss what the heck they’re fighting about anyway.

“We fight about the stupidest stuff,” admits Tristan, “but somehow, in the middle of a fight, we always find a way to laugh about it and move on.” The good news is, when you start paying attention to each other’s strengths instead of trying to change or improve areas where you feel your mate isn’t as strong as you are, your relationship will not only survive the quarantine period but will become long lasting.

2. Don’t Look for Reasons to Fight

The second psychological principle in this list involves not looking for reasons to fight. This can be hard to do if you’re in a fight. But, if you can keep a positive attitude, this principle can help you to keep the peace in a relationship.

So how does it work? It’s all about focusing on the positive aspects of the other person. As long as you focus on the good things in your partner, it’s much easier to not to start a fight.

3. Make Time Together Special

Now more than ever, you should be thinking about what you can do to make time together special. There’s a lot you can do together to make this new quarantine situation special, such as:

  1. Make sure you’re spending time with each other.
  2. Keep your phone off at meal times (you’ll be able to eat and talk with each other at the same time)
  3. Ask your partner questions to keep the conversation flowing.
  4. Find creative ways to connect (e.g. do a video call from your couch, share a funny video on social media)
  5. Remember to put your phones down so you can actually spend some quality time together (and not be checking Instagram or email!)
  6. Surprise them often. It could be flowers or a simple handwritten note. Just show them how much you love and care.

 4. Accept Each Other as You Are Today

How often do you let go of perfectionism and simply accept yourself as you are today? Acceptance is the first step to having a healthy relationship. It’s the first step to being at peace with yourself and those around you.

In a healthy relationship, each partner accepts and loves the other exactly as they are today. That doesn’t mean we always like and accept our significant other’s annoying habits. But in a healthy relationship, we love and accept the annoying habits because we know them so well and we know those habits serve a purpose.

Similarly, if we are to have a healthy business relationship, we must accept one another and what we are today. Here is a great way to accomplish this: Send a handwritten note.

5. Show Love in All You Do

I love you, and I want to be loved back. When you’re in a healthy relationship, you’re showing your partner love. Not just any kind of love, but love that is demonstrated through acts of kindness, affection, and respect.

If you don’t show your partner the level of love that he or she deserves, they are going to feel hurt and rejected. It’s important to let your partner know that you love him or her, even if you feel like you can’t tell him or her how much you care.

People want to be treated with respect. They want to be appreciated for their contribution. They want to be told they matter. When you show love and appreciation in your actions, it’s a powerful force to keep the relationship going and moving forward. It’s a very simple thing, and yet people struggle with it.

Winding Up:

Relationships take work. They require effort, time, and patience. However, the payoff for putting in this “sweat equity” can be enormous. In fact, there are studies that show that people in healthy, committed relationships are 25% more productive and have 40% less stress than those who are single.

These tips will help you nurture and strengthen your relationship. No matter what kind of relationship you’re in—married, dating, friendship—they will help you improve the quality of your connection with another person.

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