Choosing the Right Skating Class: A Guide for Parents in Dubai

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Finding the right skating classes in dubai for your child can be a daunting task, especially with so many options available in Dubai. Skating is a great sport for children, helping to build their balance, coordination, and confidence. However, each skating class offers a different approach to teaching skating skills, making it even more important to choose the right one. In this blog post, we will discuss five factors that you should consider when selecting the right skating class for your child.

Age Group:

One of the first things to consider when choosing a skating class is the class’s age group. It is essential to enroll your child in a group that is appropriate for their age and skill level. If your child is too young, they may struggle with the class’s physical demands, resulting in demotivation and frustration. On the other hand, if your child is too old for the group, they may feel bored and unmotivated. Therefore, find a skating class that aligns with your child’s age and skill level.

Skill Level:

Skill level is significant when it comes to choosing the right skating class. You must enroll your child in a class that will challenge them and enhance their skills. If your child is a beginner, select a beginner’s class, and if they have a particular skill level, look for a class that will help progress these skills. For instance, some classes focus on advancing technical skills, while others concentrate on developing artistic skills. Ensure that your skating class aligns with your child’s current skill level and goals.


Another vital factor to consider is the coach’s qualifications and experience. Research the coach’s qualifications and experience to ensure they have excellent skills and expertise to teach your child. Ask for references from parents who have had experience with the coach and assess the coach’s teaching style and communication skills. As an involved parent, ensure that the coach is professional, approachable, and sincere in their interactions with their students.

Class Size:

Class size matters when it comes to choosing a skating class. A small class size is ideal for your child’s learning because the coach gets enough time to work with each student. The coach can monitor each child’s progress in small classes and modify instructions to meet individual needs. A large group is often a sign that your child may not receive the attention they need to progress and develop their skills. A small class size also offers a more personalized learning experience, fostering teamwork and good sportsmanship among young skaters.


Facilities are an important factor when choosing a skating class. Ensure that the class has appropriate facilities and equipment that have been well maintained. Check the class environment, and look for safety features such as padding, protective gear, and properly fitting skates. A safe and well-maintained environment enables your child to learn and practice skating skills comfortably and safely.


Choosing the right skating class for your child requires a lot of research and consideration of various factors. Ensure you enroll your child in a class that aligns with their age, skill level, and goals. Evaluate the coach’s qualifications and teaching experience, check the class size and facilities, and determine the class’s overall environment. Considering these considerations, you will provide your child with an enjoyable and productive experience that enhances their skills and confidence on the ice. If you are looking for the best skating class in dubai for your child, you can consider contacting team for any further assistance.

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